Terms & Conditions

By entering the PleinAir Salon, you agree that you are submitting images of your own original artwork and not that of other artists or material in which you do not hold the copyright. The original work does not have to currently be in your possession. You are also agreeing, in advance, to have your submitted artwork and your image published to any print or digital/electronic property of Streamline Publishing, Inc. This includes, but is not limited to, print and digital magazines, newsletters, websites, e-mails, social media pages, and promotional materials in perpetuity.

At times, Streamline Publishing, Inc. may request a higher-resolution image than was submitted through the PleinAir Salon. When entering, you agree to fulfill this request in a timely manner in order for Streamline Publishing, Inc. to promote the competition winners.

The PleinAir Salon reserves the right to refuse any artwork if the method with which it was created is questionable, or if the images are inappropriate or of poor quality. And any artist who enters digitally altered images will be banned for future competitions.

Employees or associates of Streamline Publishing, Inc., or their immediate families may not enter.

This call has agreed to ArtCall.org Terms & Conditions