Publics Way

Publics Way, Plein Air Landscape
Publics Way
After lunch one day during our visit to the Forgotten Coast plein air event last March we were doing a little sight seeing on St. Georges Island. Although most of the beaches and are open to the public there are several areas of densely populated homes and condos which can limit access.
So there are quite a few public pathways scattered along the shoreline. We stumbled upon this one quite by accident. What captured my attention was how the sun lit and warmed white sands of this dune and pathway. During March the temps in the panhandle can vary widely. From temps in the 30’s up to the 80’s on any given day. On this day the temps settled in the mid 60’s. Still jacket weather for us northerners. Initially it was the warmth of the light that drew me into this scene. It was a joy to paint and the painting seemed to develop rather quickly.

Plein Air Landscape    8 x 10